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contoh kalimat serbuk batu

"serbuk batu" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • No, but traces of coal dust in the stomach lining.
    Tidak, tapi bekas serbuk batu bara pada lapisan lambungnya.
  • Coal dust in the stomach.
    serbuk batu bara di perut.
  • Mr. Wang and Madoka had coal dust not candy inside them.
    Tuan Wang dan Madoka punya serbuk batu bara di dalamnya bukan permen.
  • They found the same coal dust in the stomach of the restaurant owner.
    Mereka menemukan serbuk batu bara yang sama di perut pemilik restoran.
  • Coal Powder Dust Collector Filter Bags , Acrylic Micron Filter Bags Evenly Mixed Protective Layer
    Tas Filter Kolektor Debu Serbuk Batu Bara, Tas Filter Mikron Akrilik Lapisan Pelindung Campuran Campuran
  • Stainless Steel Drum Bentonite Rotary Dryer in Metallurgy Chemical And Cement Industry Introduction of Rotary Dryer • The rotary dryer is widely used for drying the chalk slags, coal powder, slags, clay and ... Read More
    Stainless Steel Drum Bentonite Rotary Dryer di Metalurgi Chemical And Cement Industry Saya memproduksi pengering rotary • Pengering rotary banyak digunakan untuk mengeringkan slag kapur, serbuk batu bara, slag, ... Read More